Monday, July 30, 2007

Some Unsolicited Advice

Most of Scott's students know we are in the process of a Russian adoption. One day last year, a couple of his female students thought they would help him out. They put together this list of advice.
In their own words...

Your Guide to Become the #1 Dad
What Not to do with a Girl

1. Don't be strict, else she'll rebel
2. Don't let her be in a room with a boy alone ((bad news))
3. But let boys come over
4. Let her know its okay for her to talk to you, w/o you getting mad
5. Let her go out, but check her purse before she goes
6. When she comes back, check her breath (every kid drinks, don't get mad!)
7. Let mom do the "sex talk"
8. Don't read her letters!
9. If she asks you to go get tampons, go get them
10. If she tells you she has cramps, she probably doesn't, let her stay home anyways
11. When you pick her up from high school do not get out of your car and wave for her. IT'S EMBARASSING!
12. When she has friends over, its NOT okay for you to walk around in your underwear
13. Put her in a room with no windows

So that's it! The top 13 pieces of advice, straight from 16 year olds. Phew! I was worried we wouldn't have anyone to turn to for solid parenting advice. (Now... off to tivo SuperNanny and Dr. Phil. Let's see what else we can add to the list!)

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