Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Officially Registered in Kras

We've finally been registered in Krasnoyarsk. This is great news. One step closer. Now, we just wait for a referral (to be matched with a child or children).
It could be days.
It could be weeks.
We've heard the government offices in Russia slow down for the holidays, usually well into January. Hmm... slow down? Not quite sure what is slower than practically standing still for 2 years... maybe reverse?
Ooh, sorry, just a little holiday adoption sarcasm.

Actually, we're excited and grateful that the Lord has opened the door a little more; shed light around the next bend of our journey. I can almost see the frozen tundra of Siberia.

A couple months ago, I posted a little bit about "standing still". The verse you see by our picture talks about standing still. Since then, I've continually run across verses that remind me that our adoption remains in God's hands and in His timing.

Be still and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among nations.
Psalm 46:10

When the Lord All Powerful makes a plan,
no one can stop it.
Isaiah 14:27

Some days are easier.
Some days are harder.
But always, I know the days are in God's hands.
I'm so grateful for those of you who check in on the blog to see what's going on. I'm so grateful for those of you that still ask us how we are doing. I'm so grateful for those who are praying for our waiting children. Who would have imagined, after all this time, there would still be so much to be thankful for?


Julie and Matt said...

yeah! You are registered. Now try standing still every time that phone rings. :) I hope you have a Siberian Christmas and a Valentine's return!

christian said...

The "standing still" has to be unbearable at times. But I was reflecting on your situation, thinking of the many people that have come to know you and are now standing beside you in this process. We didn't know you three months ago, but now here we are with heavy hearts, praying for the Lord's timing to come swiftly. You have blessed us with your attitude and approach. We know it's not always easy, but we see you striving to wait on and lean on the Lord.