Wednesday, May 14, 2008

One Amazing Evening

What words are there to describe this evening?

Let's back up.
A few days after we returned home from our first trip to Russia, we were spending the evening with our friends Jon and Amy. Jon, being a man of BIG ideas and a BIGGER heart, says, "I want to do something to help you guys... but I have no skills!" Before we had time to finish our chuckle, Jon was planning this benefit dinner and silent auction.

Little did we know what had been set into motion.

Jon, Amy, and a long, long list of wonderful friends spent countless hours planning and preparing. Generous donations of all kinds came in from people who know us well and people who have never even met us. Finally, the evening arrived, and well over 200 friends, family, and supporters showed up. An unfathomable $25,000 has been raised to help us bring our children home. Amazing.

To everyone that attended, donated, or supported us with prayer and encouragement, we thank you. We thank you. We thank you. We thank you.

We appreciate the fact that many have joined in because you love us. Many of you simply have compassionate souls. Many care about the state of orphans in the world.

But, know this, what you have participated in is much bigger than Scott and I.
Bigger than a couple who just wanted kids.
Bigger than 3 orphaned children in Russia.
Bigger than this new little family of five.
Bigger than that good feeling that comes with helping out.
Bigger than even that huge amount of money that was raised.

We firmly believe, each of you are sharing in a part of something bigger.
Have you ever been part of helping carry out God's plan?

This is not OUR story of faith.
This is the Lord's story of HIS faithfulness to us.
He doesn't need us... but He wants us.
He doesn't need us... but He wants us.
He doesn't need us... but He wants us.
Now that, is what's amazing.

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