But I've got to say, the Mom side of this holiday is a completely different story! Is it just me, or does anyone else get overwhelmed by it all? Keeping track of the different activities throughout the week, the different costumes each event requires, making said costumes work with the weather, the million different things I've signed up to bring, and the candy! The amount of candy the kids brought home was ridiculous! After a few days of snacking on the mountain of sugar piled on the kitchen table it was time for an intervention. On the advice of a good friend, I presented the kids with a tantalizing offer.
You've heard of the Tooth Fairy, right? You know that teeth are very important to her. She especially loves clean, healthy teeth. Well, did you know that the Tooth Fairy has a cousin? Yes, it's true. Her cousin's name is the Candy Fairy. The Candy Fairy wants to make sure your teeth stay clean and healthy, so they'll be ready for the Tooth Fairy. Tonight is the night the Candy Fairy visits the houses of all trick or treaters. Here's how it works... If you want to, you can pack up the rest of your candy and leave it on the front porch tonight. When the Candy Fairy flies by, she will check our front porch to see if there's any candy. If there is, she'll take it with her and leave you a special present in it's place!
The kids were completely sold! I let them each pick out 3 more pieces to save for later, but the rest was bagged up and placed out on the porch. Goodbye sugar mountain! They were thrilled to find new toys waiting for them the next morning and there hasn't been one complaint about the missing candy. All in all, a brilliant solution!

Justin's kindergaraten class put on a little performance. Nothing cuter than a bunch of 5 year olds balancing percariouly on a picnic table. Nothing funnier than the kid that inevitably falls OFF the picnic table. Yes, it happened. Yes, the kid was okay. And thank goodness, it wasn't my kid. At least not this time. Check back in after the Thanksgiving performance.
For their community helper parties at school, Natalie chose to be a firefighter and Lexi was a vet.

Cool Sunglasses Dude Pumpkin by Natalie and Papa
Crooked Smile, Starry Eyed Pumpkin by Lexi and Gaby
Meowtstanding Kitty Cat Pumpkin by Justin and Mama
Would you believe the pumpkin carving got a bit competitive in our house? Feel free to cast your vote for best jack o' lantern.
Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of the entire haul. This is only a fraction of the goods. I'm exhausted all over again just blogging about it! Hope your Halloween was fun and less overwhelming than mine.
Now....... the Candy Fairy needs to track down a peanut butter cup.