Sunday, February 27, 2011

And the medal goes to...

Congratulations to Natalie, who recently earned a third place medal for her artwork!

Each year, the school PTA sponsors a contest called Reflections, where students are challenged to create art inspired by a specific theme.  Natalie placed third for kindergarten at her school.  This year's theme was "Together We Can..."  Natalie titled her project "Together We Can Share the Work."  She drew a picture of the many things she can help her little sister do, such as brush teeth, pick up toys, get dressed and make the bed.  

(You get all that from this picture, right!?)

Would you believe that last year Justin also earned the third place medal in kindergarten?!  The theme was "Beauty is..."
Justin drew "Beauty is Having a Pet To Love."

Good job Natalie and Justin!  We are so proud of you! ( and so is Molly!)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Shiny Happy People *

That's Lexi.
She really is the epitome of a shiny happy person.
It takes a lot to ruffle that little one's feathers.  She's generally a go-with-the-flow kind of girl.  Lexi is just happy to be happy.

But, uh, back to the shiny part.
Or should I say... shiner.

"What happened Lexi?"
"I bonked into the counter."
That she did.  Racing through the kitchen.  Took the turn a bit too tight.  Bonk.

But still smiling.

It brought back the horrible memory of... dun dun dunnnnn.... The Moscow Swing Set Incident of 2008.
Let's see.  We were all of 5 days into our parenting journey.  The children had been entrusted to us for less than a week......

No wait!  Hold on!  Before we relive The Swings...
First came...
The Bed.
So, it was the first, FIRST I TELL YOU!  The very first day we got the kids in Krasnoyarsk.  Finally, set free from the confines of the orphanage.  Finally together!  Finally a family!

And then... a couple hours into our bliss. (Wasn't I blissful in Russia?  I'll have to go back and read the old blog posts.)

We had only been back in the hotel for a couple hours.  The five of us were sitting around on the bed.  Next thing you know, Lexi stood up and simply walked off the bed.
No. It was more of a dive.
She landed head first on the hardwood floor.
Scott and I may have locked eyes for a split second.  Then the simultaneous screams heard only in each of our minds,
"I thought YOU were watching her!"

Then came Lexi's audible screams.
Well great.  We've had this kid for 2 hours and have already broken her!

Do I go on to describe how her eyes began to roll back in her head?  How we woke her up every hour that night in case she had a concussion?  Trying to figure out how we would explain this in a Russian ER?  In the end, she had a pretty good size bump on her noggin, but (thank God!) she was okay.

A few days later....
Now we're in Moscow.  As you can imagine, living in a hotel room for days on end with a 2, 3 and 4 year old was about to push us all over the edge.   But then a fellow adoptive family tipped us off about a park.  A park!? Yay!  It was only a few blocks away.  We pushed our rickety double stroller through the streets of Moscow.  Then, we found it.
We found it!
Yes children!
Run!  Run free!
For a bit, all was right with the world.  They chased.  They climbed.  They swung.  Scott and I stood together, watching our sweet, innocent, ahem... non bruised children.

Then, as if in slow motion...
Lexi begins to dash toward the back of the swing set....
There is a little Russian girl already on the swing....
That little girl sails forward....
Then flies back...
The wooden seat...
The metal bars...


Oh, it looked bad.  It still makes me queasy thinking about it.  She was definitely dented.  Really.  Her cheek was dented.  Her sweet little perfect cheek instantly had a purple indentation.

Seriously.  Who let us take these kids???

So that, my friends, was The Moscow Swing Set Incident of 2008. 
Incidentally, it was also one of our first big lessons on parenting.  Scott and I learned that one of us can play a zone with Justin and Natalie.  
But as for Miss Lexi?
Well, she requires one on one defense.

Here are a few of the happier moments at the park.  Pre-dent.

And here's....
Well, you get it.

* Disclaimer:  No children were permanently damaged in the making of this family.  Believe me.  We immediately checked with our pediatrician when we got home.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Anybody out there?

Remember me?
Sooooo, do I just start writing?
Do I ignore the fact I've been blog silent for 6 months?
OR do I give you my lengthy list of excellent excuses for my absence?

That might be fun...

You see, the thing is, well...
I've been on the run from the law.  The library police are after me.  It seems I have enough unpaid and overdue fines to fund the addition they are adding on this summer.  I've had to go into hiding, because if there's one thing I've learned... Don't mess with the librarians.

Wait.  That's not it.

It's the laundry.  Yes, laundry.  For the past several months I've been trapped under a massive pile of my family's laundry!  It started as only a couple of small piles.  Dirty soccer uniforms.  Some folded jammies that needed to be put away.  But soon, those piles seemed to merge with the other piles.  I went in search of clean underwear one day and just never came out.

Filming a reality show?
Waiting in line at DMV?
Got lost somewhere between the 10 pound jar of olives and industrial meat slicers at Costco?
Joined a gym? Ha! (Actually I did. Watch out!)
Took Molly on the road to dominate the Frisbee competition?
Consoling Scott about the Cubs disappointing season?

No good?
Ok.  Here's my all time,  most favorite excuse:

If it's good enough for John Cusack, well, it's good enough for me.
And by the way,