Sunday, February 13, 2011

Anybody out there?

Remember me?
Sooooo, do I just start writing?
Do I ignore the fact I've been blog silent for 6 months?
OR do I give you my lengthy list of excellent excuses for my absence?

That might be fun...

You see, the thing is, well...
I've been on the run from the law.  The library police are after me.  It seems I have enough unpaid and overdue fines to fund the addition they are adding on this summer.  I've had to go into hiding, because if there's one thing I've learned... Don't mess with the librarians.

Wait.  That's not it.

It's the laundry.  Yes, laundry.  For the past several months I've been trapped under a massive pile of my family's laundry!  It started as only a couple of small piles.  Dirty soccer uniforms.  Some folded jammies that needed to be put away.  But soon, those piles seemed to merge with the other piles.  I went in search of clean underwear one day and just never came out.

Filming a reality show?
Waiting in line at DMV?
Got lost somewhere between the 10 pound jar of olives and industrial meat slicers at Costco?
Joined a gym? Ha! (Actually I did. Watch out!)
Took Molly on the road to dominate the Frisbee competition?
Consoling Scott about the Cubs disappointing season?

No good?
Ok.  Here's my all time,  most favorite excuse:

If it's good enough for John Cusack, well, it's good enough for me.
And by the way,


Uncle Peter said...

french...bread! french...fries!

Claire said...

i don't care what the excuse is, i'm just glad your BACK!! (you are back aren't you? Please be back....a portion of my joy and happiness is depending on it! ;) ) xoxox

Claire Fair

Baba said...

Yep - we're all out here and we love your stories.

parkadoption said...

Chrystal- Thanks for the encouraging comment on our blog. Our thoughts have returned to your family periodically during these past 2 1/2 years. Mostly like "I can't believe they went from 0 to 3 just like that! I hope things are going well." Weird that you guys are just up the freeway from us and we haven't gotten together. You're family is beautiful and it looks like things are going well for you. Praise God! If you are ever heading down are way, let us know. Especially if you want to take the kids to the S.D. Wild Animal Park. It's just a couple of miles from our house. You can email us directly at if you'd like. Hard to believe we are going back again...
