Thursday, August 30, 2007

Three... but not me.

Three families from our agency received referrals for children this week. Three... but not me. Unfortunately, none of the referrals came from our region. (Remember, there's that lengthy August vacation for the Voronezh adoption official.) September is right around the corner though. I'm hoping these recent referrals are a sign of good things to come for all of us waiting families.

You know, even though we continue to wait, we have to be so grateful that we are with an agency that received accreditation. From what I understand, there are only about 10-15 agencies (out of over 50) that are reaccredited. The rest are jumping through new hoops set forth by the Russian government.

Ahhh, no one says pregnancy is easy. You do realize, that when all is said and done with our "paper pregnancy", our children will have a gestation period longer than a baby elephant (which is 22 months)! Hmmm, does any of this excuse my recent cravings for Baskin Robbins chocolate milkshakes?

1 comment:

Julie and Matt said...

Despite my extra 5 lbs of adoption weight gain, there is just no excuse for those cravings.

HOWEVER, if you get to the grocery store and there is a parking spot saved for "expectant mothers", BY ALL MEANS, park there. Even if it is for the next 2 years. I always did, waiting for my first :)