Saturday, September 15, 2007

Giving Thanks for a New School Year (even if it kills me)

We've started a new school year! Scott continues to teach high school math. I'm back in third grade doing a job share.

Ahhh, the job share.
Love being part time? Yes! (Wed, Thurs, every other Fri!)
Love my job share partner? Yes! (Valerie is the best!)
Love 3rd grade?...............
Uh, love 3rd grade?......... (Okay, not so much.)

You all know that I am an elementary school teacher, turned middle school teacher, turned reluctantly back to an elementary school teacher. And, c'mon, one of these days I'm actually going to be a mom... with real live kids... in my own house... needing me to stay home a little more! So when the opportunity for a job share came my way I couldn't pass up working part time, even if it was back in elementary school.

HOWEVER...I just gotta say that, believe it or not, I miss the room full of 36 stinky, voice cracking, random lip-hair growing, gawky, too much Axe wearing, know-it-all preteens.

For some reason, this year's third graders are a handfull! (Okay, I actually KNOW the reason. I'll tell you later) Here's a little bit of what I encountered the first week of school:

- one student with her trusty BINOCULARS checking out the room during silent reading time

- one student who got his head stuck in the hole of his chair... really.

- one student who made himself into a little ball, tucking his arms, legs, and head into his T-shirt and rocked all around.

- one student who came back from recess crying because someone else was, "Listening to my secrets!"

- one student who seemed to be randomly howling (for 2 days I couldn't figure out who it was!)

This is really just the tip of the iceberg. Now, I know they are only 8, but this is NOT a normal class.....

I know, I know. We are supposed to give thanks in all circumstances. Even when the A/C goes out. Even when the bills are pouring in. Even when you have been waiting 2+ years to meet your adoptive children and there's still no news. And even when you want to amputate little Johnny's finger because HE WILL NOT KEEP IT OUT OF HIS NOSE... Yes, I know I am to give thanks in all circumstances. I wanted to give thanks for 20 third graders, I did! But mostly I just wanted to get back to a classroom full of too much cologne wearing, puberty stricken, non howling 7th graders! (Well, they actually howl sometimes, too.)

I am right where I need to be. I do believe, that God, in all of His wisdom (and with a sense of humor too, I might add) has placed me smack dab in the middle of these squirrely, fidgety, crying, rocking, nose picking, howling 8 year olds. He has chosen this place for me, because someday very soon, my own family room is likely to be over run by 2 little Russian toddlers. I'm gonna need a lot more patience... a lot less needing to be in control of things... and a much larger tolerance for boogers... I guess God really does know just what I need.

So, here I am, ready to be grateful!
Thank you Lord..... even for the nose picker.


Anonymous said...

I am seriously laughing out loud right now!!! You are right though. You are exactly where you are supposed to be and you'll be ready when your little nose pickers come home.

Julie and Matt said...

When the boogers come from your own kid, somehow they are not only tolerated but you appreciate that he sought YOU out to wipe them on!