Wednesday, October 8, 2008

3 Months Home and Livin' the Dream

October 2nd marked our three month homecoming.
Three months.
We've been home three months.

People ask if we can remember life without them.
Um, yeah... I remember.
People ask if the time has flown by.
Not really.

I'm kind of stuck in this dilemma of wanting to treasure the NOW... things like the kids learning English, this only year when they will all be home with me, 3 little ones in the bathtub, singing silly songs in the minivan...

But the NOW is so exhausting!

Because the NOW also involves a sister that is constantly antagonizing her brother, a brother that thinks it's his job to boss his sisters around, a daughter that seems to be doing her best to find out if this mama and papa are really here to stay, a son whose favorite place to be is stuck to his mama's leg, lap, arm, neck, wherever, and a baby sister who can be easy going one minute and kicking and screaming on the floor the next.

So, instead of treasuring the NOW, too often it feels like the days are melting together into one big heap of wet beds and time out threats.

Sometimes Scott and I just look at each other and shrug... Yep, Livin' the Dream.

And we are.
But the Dream sure involves a lot more bickering and refereeing than I imagined.

But, when I get over my sarcasm and look past the dirty dishes in the sink.... what I see are 3 truly happy children. Children who are safe, who soak up love and who deeply care for each other. A woman who is learning humility, who needs daily grace and strength from the Lord, the only One who can truly provide enough. A man, who loves unconditionally, is patient beyond measure, and who is completely devoted to his family.

So, while the NOW exhausts me and I usually feel guilty for not relishing in the NOW... when it comes right down to it, the NOW is pretty okay.

For those of you who are picture hungry:
Fun with playdough

Too hot outside! Let's build a fort and watch a movie!


Anonymous said...

It is good to look back. Sometimes in the day to day you can lose site of how far you all have come, that the good is blurred by the every day. The smiles on the faces tell the true story.

Just think how the grandparents are looking at the two of you and not remembering the screaming fits you once had (okay, well maybe they do remember some of them and they could even be saying - I told you so, that one day you would get yours)and they are so very proud of you.

Enjoy every moment - they come and go so quickly. That is why your blog is so great, not only do we get to share in the joy, but you are able to look back and "re-live the dream".


Uncle Larry

3 became 4... said...

Oh the joys of motherhood! Sometimes it is hard to step out of the constant chaos and see the blessings! I too struggle with this every day.
You're doing great and it's clear you're an awesome mom :0)
I'm still praying for you!
Lyn Franks
Homw with Caleb for 4 months tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

You are doing such an amazing job with your babies. Thank you for your honesty...I can relate with your struggle to enjoy the now, hang in's bound to get better, right? That's what I keep telling myself, this too shall pass...Love you guys!

Wolf family said...

Here is one of these little blog games--I was "tagged" and am passing along the blessing to you :)
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on the blog.
3. Write six random facts about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged.
6. Let the taggers know when your "Six Random Things" entry is up.