Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Remember Russia?

We often try to talk to the kids about Russia. We want them to know their story and how we became a family. It's tricky though, because they still don't really have the language to understand us or express their own memories.

The first few weeks we were home, we'd show them pictures and ask about the children or caretakers in the orphanage. Both Justin and Natalie were quiet and wouldn't say much of anything. We took to calling the orphanage the big house, with lots of boys and girls, where you had a pink bed. For Justin, it was a white bed. Anyway, we tell them that we were here in this house and were so lonely without any children. We talk to them about coming to visit them and then waiting for a very long time before we could bring them home. We talk about our time in Russia and traveling on an airplane. We talk about how God had planned for us to be a family forever.

But lately, Justin and Natalie have been talking a lot more about some of the things they remember. It all seemed to start just the other day. Before naps I was going to read Brown Bear, Brown Bear. Now this was THE BOOK we bonded over in Russia. We must have read it a hundred times a day and Justin and Natalie had the words memorized before we even set foot on American soil.

So, a few days ago, I sat down with this book and Natalie perked up.
She said,"Remember! Remember the different house?!" (I think she was talking about the hotel)

I asked, "Did we read this book in Russia?"

Both J and N, "Yeah!"

And then Justin chimed in with what must have been one of his most vivid memories.

He asked,"Remember, Justin wants to ride in the stroller and Mama and Papa don't understand?!"

Poor guy. That really is the epitome of our first few days with him in Russia. He was soooo frustrated with communication. Hence, the crazy tantrums and airplane meltdowns, I guess.

As their language continues to grow, we've had some more detailed conversations about being a family. Justin, especially, says some of the sweetest things. Recently, he told me, "Justin wants a Mama and a Papa. I like this house. I want to stay our house with Mama and Papa and Sisters."

Our little boy. Our little Justin. Yes buddy, you are home forever.


Rebecca Street said...

Precious. You are all finally "home".

Anonymous said...

Praise God. Thank you so much for keeping us updated. There is nothing in the world more rewarding than having your child call you mama or papa. Wait till they become your grandchildren - it get's even better (let's not rush things).


Uncle Larry

Armando Omega said...

Great story. But I think he is learning his English from watching sportcenter interviews. As he refers to himself in the third person. He is destined to become an elite athlete.