Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ho Ho Hocus Pocus

I don't know about the kids, but I have been completely traumatized by their first visit with Santa Claus.

I've had it on the calendar for months... December 12, 4 pm, Visit With Santa at our local library. I'd been prepping them.

A couple weeks ago we started reading The Night Before Christmas. That turned out to be a bit traumatic for Natalie. She kept peering over her shoulder and looking out the bedroom door, worried Santa would be popping in at any moment. I'm so scared of Santa, Mom! We are mostly over that fear, but she did ask Justin to hold her hand as we were driving to the library. To which Justin replied, It's okay Natalie. I'm your big brother. And he reached over and took her hand. (I KNOW!)

But on with my prepping...
Santa will ask you your name and maybe how old you are.
He'll probably ask if you've been nice this year.
Then, he'll ask what special present you hope to receive on Christmas.

We role played it at the lunch table, in the bathtub, and before naps.

They were ready. It was like cramming for finals as we drove to the library.
Lexi, what will you say when Santa asks you your name?

I especially practiced with Miss Lexi, because, lately, her response to EVERY word spoken to her by a new person is, "Nothing!"

So we get to the library...early. The idea was to be first in line, so Scott could be there for the kids' first visit with Santa. He had a soccer game starting at 5 (Which, I'm sure he'd like me to note...they won.)

As far as I can tell, the kids don't have a Russian version of Santa that they are familiar with. Justin did tell me about lighting up a tree at his Big Blue Russia House (orphanage). So, this would be their FIRST Santa experience. Scott and I walked our little family into the library, camcorder in hand.

We were ushered into a room by, who I can only assume, was Mrs. Claus. No Santa yet. The kids were directed to sit on the floor, facing a little stage. A few words from Mrs. Joy, our favorite librarian. Still no Santa.

Then... someone must have hit play on the stereo... the festive music began... some bells started jingling... and Santa made his first appearance to my children.
And wouldn't you know....
Hocus Pocus!
Bippity Boppity!
He was a Magician Santa Claus!

We were treated to about 30 minutes of a good, old fashioned (aka super cheesy) magic show for kids... complete with Merry Christmas! as the magic words for everything. Then we were told to line up for pictures with Santa. Turns out, our early arrival put us in the front for the Christmas Magic Extravaganza, but we were dead last when it came time to line up for the Sit on Santa's Knee portion of the show.

In the end, there was no conversing with Santa. No sharing of names or ages. No hopeful requests for toys (or in my kids' case, a race car watch, a Caillou book, and Barbie lipstick). Each child did get a turn on Santa's sort of dingy red knee. Then St. Nick gave us his best, albeit slightly yellowed, grin. The big guy showed a jolly thumbs up and I snapped a quick picture.

That was Justin, Natalie and Lexi's first Santa experience.
They actually haven't spoken about it since that day.
I, on the other hand, continue to have nightmares.


Rebecca Street said...

I'm pretty sure I've never seen Santa give the thumbs up before. Poor Lexi, I'm a little scared of Santa too.

Melanie Pinkus said...

I'm laughing so hard I'm crying! The thumbs up is priceless. Are you going to take them now to have the real Santa experience or are you all scared for life? Thanks for cheering up my day!!

Armando Omega said...

I love America!! Where we can celebrate the birth of our Savior while introducing bits of witchcraftery. Awesome!! Thumbs Up Santa seems pretty cool though.

Anonymous said...

I don't know whether to laugh or cry or both! I know that it was anything but the "perfect" first Santa visit but oh the memories you'll have of that special day! And I don't know that I have ever seen a "thumb's up" Santa. That's a new one for me! And a magician at that. Who knew!

Beth said...

What the heck! Thumbs up is clearly not a part of any Chrismas Tradition! I love the pics and the story. I do think the library should have advertised "Magical Santa" so you KNEW what you were getting. The kids look so cute - can't wait to see them soon :)
Auntie Beth

Anonymous said...

Hasn't Santa always been alittle somewhat Magical? After all, How did he get down all those chimmey's all these years?