Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This Christmas Tree

This is our Christmas Tree.

When the time came to get our Christmas Tree, we loaded up the ol' four wheel sleigh... headed deep into the wilderness of the Home Depot parking lot...joined at least a hundred other families seeking the perfect tree...and walked away with the most gorgeous, that is to say acceptable, $39 Christmas tree money could buy.....

....you know, just like our forefathers used to do.

It wasn't exactly a beautiful family moment, but no one melted down, so let's call it a victory. Justin and Natalie were content to sweep up pine needles and play with the bits of discarded twine on the ground. Strapped to my back, Lexi hung out and just took it all in. Scott, of course, did his manly duty of hoisting up tree after sap-soaked tree for me to examine, then ultimately reject.

In the end, a decent tree was finally chosen. We loaded the winner to the top of the minivan and headed home. Perhaps this was our chance to build some lasting family memories? I had visions of sipping hot chocolate, listening to Christmas carols, and watching my children hang ornaments on their first Christmas Tree. I imagined them snuggling in my arms and we'd ooh and ahh over the lights. Hmmm. Not too many oohs or ahhs. Some ows! some heys! and a few stop its!

Turns out tree shopping and tree decorating aren't extremely peaceful activities with a 3, 4, and 5 year old. And although the memories we made weren't sugar coated and particulary snuggly... WE made memories. WE.

So now I can have my ooh ahh moment. I'm sitting on the couch, cat purring on my lap, everyone is tucked in bed and I'm looking at the tree. Besides a few ornaments I picked up in Russia, it basically looks exactly the same as it did last year... and the year before that.

But it's so not the same.
But, in a good way.
This Christmas Tree is so not the same... but in a very, very good way.


Anonymous said...

It is a lot of work, the tree will dry up - but the memories of this not the same old Christmas will never fade away. Just remember the best toy to play with is the box it came in.


Uncle Larry

Melanie Pinkus said...

Wonderful pictures! They look so happy! And while so many things in life are not the fantasy we think they will be...they are a gift from God. Our children give us a gift like no one else can.

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

We have the same fake tree as last year. It's got the same lights. Some new (unbreakable) ornaments. Nothing fabulous. But sitting here and looking over at it...it is new. I imagine looking at it thru the eyes of my daughter. Our Christmas tree will never be the same. Christmas will never be the same. Amazing what our children can do to us, huh? And the boxes, wrapping paper, and bows are always better than what was inside (or twine and pine needles!!!!!).

Shari said...

What a beautiful post! What a beautiful family!
Lyn Franks

The Levengood Family Story said...

How wonderful Merry Christmas to you all : )

Julie and Matt said...

Beautiful memories! The great part about this is I'm pretty sure the kids will only remember the good stuff.