Wednesday, June 2, 2010

We Dream Big Around Here

Ah... the conversations one may overhear in our house...

(We had just finished reading a book about a boy struggling to know what he wanted to do when he grew up. Everyone else in his family had an "it." This little boy didn't know what his "it" was.)

Me: What do you dream about being when you grow up?

Natalie: A mom.

Justin: A superhero. I'm really excited about having rocket boots that make me fly.

Lexi: Ummm.... I think.... I think I will be a lion.

Of course! A lion. Why didn't I think of that!
As if Lexi growing up to be a lion isn't funny enough, the conversation continued...

Justin (quite emphatically): Lexi!!! You can't be that! People can't be lions!

Ohhhh, but a superhero? Yeah. That's much more realistic.

If you've spent any time at our house lately you would know Lexi's recent movie of choice has been The Lion King. Over and over and over and over. More than once we've spotted her crawling around on all fours carrying her other toys in her mouth. You know, like a mother lion carrying her cub. She's got a pretty good snarl going on too.

Here's the picture I took of her that night. Sound asleep. Surrounded by her own little pride.
On a side note, the book we were reading that sparked the "What do you want to be when you grow up?" conversation is called, You Can Do It! by Tony Dungy.

You Can Do It! by Tony Dungy: Book Cover
Such a great book. I thought it shared a great message about faith and trusting the Lord with our dreams. In the afterword, Dungy writes, "I'm glad I had parents that helped us to dream. I'm glad they taught us to pray about the things that were on our mind. And I'm really glad that God answers our prayers..."

I was a moment, seriously, a moment, away from hitting the "publish post" button on this gripping tale of the Mocabee family's big dreams, when Lexi saunters up to me and declares:

Mom, I don't really want to watch Lion King anymore. We watch that movie really so many times. Now, I want to watch Aristocats.

We just checked that one out from the library today. I guess I should brace myself for more feline adventures.

1 comment:

Melanie Pinkus said...

Awesome! Truly awesome!