Sunday, January 27, 2008

And They're Off!

We're getting ready to head out.
Getting ready to travel 30+ hours,
thousands of miles,
to a foriegn land,
with scratchy toilet paper (so I hear, anyway).

And we're ready.
It's 1 o'clock in the morning, but I think we're ready.
Got the fur lined boots,
big ol' coats,
gloves and hats,
and a personal supply of Charmin.

We're off to meet 3 children.
A brother and two little sisters,
on the other side of the world,
where it's 20 below,
and they don't know we're coming.

But I am convinced, there is no power, neither height nor depth, no, nothing in all creation that can separate us from the love of our Father. He will carry out his plan for us. He began this good work. I know the Lord goes before us on this journey. The glory is all His, no matter what.

We just can't say thank you enough to those of you who have called, emailed, sent texts, sent cards or just taken a moment to say a supportive word over the past several days. Scott and I have been astounded and blessed by the outpouring of love and support we've been shown. Many of you have followed us on this adoption journey since the beginning (June 2005!) Some of you we've met more recently. But we have equally cherished your words, thoughts, and prayers. I feel like I've been filled up with so much GOOD. And now I get the honor of sharing what you've poured into us with these children we are about to meet.

If I'm able, I'll post at some point while we're in Russia. It may not be until the end of the trip when we're back in Moscow. Our general itinerary is in the margin. We'll be 14 hours ahead of Pacific time while in Krasnoyarsk.

You may have noticed that we are not scheduled to return until Sunday evening...that would be Super Bowl Sunday evening (Do I owe someone money for using the words Super Bowl? Ooh! Did it again. What's that all about anyway???) Scott's not extremely thrilled about it, but that's what TiVo is for. Forget 30 hours of traveling, 3 layovers, below zero temperatures, language barriers, and scratchy toilet paper... the most challenging part of this trip will be getting home without finding out the result of the Su... um, that is, the Big Game!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love you and are praying for you-the blog is cool!!!

The Clark Family

Philippians 4:13
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."