March 3rd marks one month since we've been home from Russia. I guess that went pretty fast.
So what's the timeline? Like most things in the adoption world, there's no concrete timeline. On our end, we've had to update our homestudy (again!). I've sort of lost track, but I think this is our 4th update. At this point, what I'm hearing goes something like this:
Jen (our social worker): Still married?
Us: Yep
Jen: Still have jobs?
Us: Yep
Jen: Still live in the same house?
Us: Yep
Jen: Still ready to move forward with the adoption?
Us: Yep
Jen: Still got your checkbook?
Okay, I know the conversation is MUCH more meaningful. There's probably some secret psychological profiling going on that I'm unaware of. Maybe she's covertly taking DNA samples to send on to secret Russian laboratories. You never know what else they'll need to confirm we'll be good parents.
Um, where was I? Oh, timeline...
When we came home we also had to get some more labs repeated. Hepatitis, HIV, drug tests, even a chest x-ray! Turns out we haven't contracted any diseases by sharing dirty needles and apparently we haven't taken up with any shady drug dealers since the last time we had to be tested. Phew! Oh, and luckily, we both still have lungs.
Back to the timeline...
When do we head back? Mostly we just stay tuned to what's going on with families that traveled before us. It seems like it's taking about 4 months between trips. That's what we're hoping for at this point. That would put us back at the first of June. And look at that... already, one month down.
Here's a few pictures from our trip:
St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow

Ice sculptures outside our hotel in Krasnoyarsk

Another frozen playground at Justin's orphanage
At the airport in Moscow
Out front of the girls' orphanage
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