Monday, November 17, 2008


Lexi LOVES Molly.

I'm not sure the feeling is completely mutual, but Molly definitely lets the kids have their way with her. Someone is constantly laying on her, waking her from a nap, stacking blocks around her, driving a car on her, or asking to feed her (Molly's favorite).

The other day Lexi was in tears over something I had reprimanded her for. Getting no sympathy from her sister or brother, she found Molly sleeping peacefully by the back door. Lexi laid her head down and wrapped her arms around her canine buddy, then continued to cry for the unjustice she was certainly suffering. And Molly stayed put. Occasionally, she looked up at me with bewildered brown eyes, but she stayed still until Lexi dried up and moved on. I didn't get a picture of that one, but here's a few other sweet moments between Lexi and her BFF.

"Molly's kissing me!"


Julie and Matt said...

We can all probably take lessons from that. sometimes all that is needed is a silent friend, that gives no advice and just stays put until the tears dry up.

Hope you are doing well. Beginning some early stages of Ethiopian adoption -- hoping for applying this summer

Anonymous said...

What a great way to start my morning...a new Mocabee blog! I am so excited to see you all soon! This was great and I agree with the above response...that silent friend that stays by our side no matter what! Way cool!