Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Another First... Mother's Day

Mother's Day was good.

Got to sleep in a little.

Scott took care of all the morning stuff with the kids.

Well, I was still on hair duty. It was between pony tails when Natalie posed this question:

If today is Mother's Day... and if Papa has his special day coming soon.... when is it going to be Kid's Day?

I chuckled. Isn't every day Kid's Day? It wasn't really the response she was looking for.

After church we had lunch at one of my favorite restaurants. Then Scott gave me the most wonderful gift. He made a dvd with music, pictures, and video of me and the kids. There was footage from Russia that I had never watched. Moments I had forgotten. There are scenes from the day we left the orphanages behind. Then lots of special moments up to the present. It was such a surprise!

Since I'm not sure if Scott and I will be able to complete a full conversation anytime in the next 24 hours (years... whatever)... I thought I'd let him know how amazing he is right here.


I'll never know how you found the time to do it! (Remember, I've lived through a few imovie sagas with you!) But I love this dvd and how it captures how far we've come in such a short time. I'll treasure it always.

Thank you for loving me and supporting me as I continue to learn this new role. Thank you for lightening my load whenever you can... for talking me down from my emotional ledges... for doing the dishes (seriously people. every night.)... for making me laugh... for praying for me... and loving me unconditionally.

For me, the most fulfilling moments of motherhood come when I raise my eyes above those 3 little heads and meet your gaze. You smile at me. (I think sometimes you might even be trying to say something, but it's usually too loud in our house hear it.)

Most importantly, we know we're in this together... and always will be.

I love you.

1 comment:

Kristyna. said...

Beautiful...absolutely beautiful. And Happy Belated First Mother's Day! :D