Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of Preschool

Justin and Natalie started preschool today. Starting preschool this soon was not originally part of my plan. I figured we'd need several months of keeping our world very small and more time to work on attachment. However, things are going so much better than we expected. So, off to school we go!

How did it go? Well, good, I think!
We had been to their school last week for a Meet the Teacher Day. Since then, they've constantly talked about their teachers and new backbacks. Drop offs went well today... except for poor Lexi. She couldn't figure out why I wasn't letting her stay and play.

They were both tired and ready for lunch when I picked them up. They didn't have too much to say right away, but throughout the day little details came out. For example, Natalie apparently went to the bathroom 3 times (in 3 hours!). It's clear they had a good time and they both talked about going back to school tomorrow. They'll have to wait though. I only signed them up for 2 days a week right now.

It's so weird being on the other end of the parent/teacher thing. We have Back to School Night on Thursday... and I'm not presenting! Honestly, as the school year begins, and I'm not meeting a new group of students, I do find myself a little sad. I absolutely know that I cannot have it both ways right now. My kids need me and I need to be with them.

But, I'm a teacher. Yes, parents are teachers. Truly, the most important teachers. But, I'm that other kind of teacher too. I'm also a classroom teacher. So, while I'm extremely grateful to be staying home with my kids... I find myself missing the classroom.

Here's Justin with his new, flat, completely empty backpack! He was so proud of it!

Natalie's backpack actually traveled to Russia with us.

I did not force this pose! Natalie snuggled up to her brother all on her own.

Let's get Lexi in the picture too. Open mouth and all.


Melanie Pinkus said...

Awesome! I'm glad that the first day went well. It will be good for all of you. Alone time with Lexi too. I understand the parent/teacher thing too. Last year was a humbling experience when abby started school. I'm glad you get to be with your kids. School will always be waiting for you when you come back. If you want to job share, I'm all yours!! Love you guys!

Shae said...

I too, just had my first preschool day with my son today. It was sad to see him walk away without even looking back ! I think it's a good thing we give our children that independance they so need (and we need !). Don't worry.. things will become easier !! =)

Anonymous said...

You've experienced it all this summer...new babies, first drs visits, first English words, and now first days of school. I know we miss you at LP but there are plenty more years of good teaching in you. Enjoy some 1-on-1 time getting to know Lexi. You'll be able to fit a whole lot of Target shopping in too. Call me I get off early =)

Anonymous said...

Who would've thought you'd be packing two kids off to school today last year at this time. What an amazing year. Justin and Natalie look beautiful all dressed up for their first day of school. Lexi looks a little bewildered. She's going to love being home with Mom all to herself though.

Much love to you all. Enjoy these wonderful days.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Mr. Mocabee!! Your kids are BEAUTIFUL! I am SO happy for you! They are WAY too cute!!