Saturday, September 20, 2008

Testing Testing 1 2 3

I keep telling myself:

This is a test
This is a test of the Siberian Children's Broadcasting System
It will not last forever
The loud piercing shrieks
The utter defiance
The sneaky antics
This is a test
This is only a test

Sorry about the lack of blogging lately. Things have been very testy around our house these days. I guess the kiddos are feeling comfy enough to really start pushing some boundaries. The end of the day rolls around and all I want to do is fold the laundry and go to bed. Okay, not exactly... what I really want to do is leave the laundry in the basket, eat a giant bowl of ice cream and then go to bed! We're still here though.

Justin and Natalie are loving preschool. Lexi is talking up a storm. Scott is back to work, teaching and coaching. I'm learning my new position, sometimes begrudgingly, but I'm getting there.

Thanks for checking in on us. :)


Rebecca Street said...

Your kids too, eh? Mine is giving me a run for my money lately. I know how you feel. I'm almost too tired to even want to eat the ice cream. In fact, I think I'll go take a nap now too.

Anonymous said...

I hate to tell you this, but we have been having a test of the AMERICAN CHILDREN'S BROADCASTING SYSTEM for years now. It's not you. Hang in there..... they love you and you love them and eventually they will realize the boundaries of the specific things that you are gong through now and respect those boundaries.... then they move on to NEW antics, defiance and tests! Don't you feel better knowing you're not alone? We love you!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there friend! Motherhood has its up and downs, thankfully the Lord is bigger than any issue that may come up and His mercy is new EVERY morning! Looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow night at small group!

Anonymous said...

I've missed your blogs! I check the site at least every other day, if not every day. When I kept seeing "Did you see Natalie's hair?" I did a silent, awwww, darn. :)
But I get it! Well, as much as I can, I guess. Your plate is fuller, although as mothers, we are all familiar with the type of exhaustion that only motherhood brings.
Heard your making a trip to Vacaville-oh boy! Can't wait to hear how that goes!
My love, thoughts, and prayers are with you during this huge transitional time in your life.
Tam aka: Claire

Shae said...

"..Children's Broadcasting System.." LOL Yeah, that's it !

There are days with my kids, when I tell my children "I'm changing my name" or I tell them I'm trading them in for a pack chimps.. LOL Trust me, there's days when a pack of wild chimps, would be easier then taking care of my two ! =) Partly I think it's the age difference with them, partly I think it's my own 'mother radar' telling myself I need to step OUTSIDE the box and look at things from a new stand point.

Yes, they're going to test your boundaries and YES, they'll certainly test each others. Just remember at the end of the day... a big bowl of ice cream (though it's not going to be the healthiest treat), can hopefully take it all away.. =)

I'm sending you *hugs* and hope your next blog will be a happier one !! And if the ice cream doesn't work.. start a collection for the 'MOI Foundation' and have Scott send you to the spa.. =)

3 became 4... said...

Hang in there! It will get better really soon! Stand strong and be VERY consistent. We've only been home a few weeks longer and I can tell you that the past 2 weeks have been great (the entire month before that was awful)! The screaming and utter defiance have decreased a ton (I can only imagine going through this with 2 more behaving the same way- you have my utter respect and I pray for you daily). I can tell C is really starting to "get it". Of course he still has his moments, but they are so much less frequent and less intense now, which makes us all a whole lot happier at the end of the day. In fact, I am going to fold laundry right now :0)
Lyn Franks

Anonymous said...

Here's the deal; you need to use the carrot (cupcake) and stick method. You give 'em the cupcake so they'll hold still while you beat them with the stick. JUST KIDDING! :-)

Because you were blessed with these children in the way that you were, you never had the pleasure of Post Pardum Depression. It's all a matter of adjustment and time. Parents to children equally as much as children are adjusting to their parents and new surroundings. So sit down and have a good post pardum cry. You'll feel better.

Ya know, when a mother comes home from the hospital with new triplets, there is a plethora of help there to feed, change and care for these new little babies. You came home with triplets but haven't had that luxury with only you and Scott to carry the load.

Stay consistent with your rules and expectations and miracles will happen. We love you all and are REALLY looking forward to seeing you over Thanksgiving if not sooner.