Sunday, September 28, 2008

One Hour at a Time

Our wireless internet isn't working, so getting on the computer isn't happening too often. This partly explains why I haven't posted much, but also, there's just not much new to report.

I'm feeling completely stretched to my emotional limit these days. Trying to get through the hours. Justin and Natalie need a referee just about all of the time. Lexi is finding her voice and also her will power. But in reality, they're just being kids and doing what kids do. Considering all of the issues we could be facing, doing pretty much "normal" kid things should be a blessing. (I'll try to remember that next time I've got one pitching a fit on the timeout step... gee, this is such a blessing! :))

Here's some pix of Justin making letters with rolled up paper. He's a bright little boy and loves learning. He's constantly making letter sounds and telling me long lists of words that start with the same sound. He'll say, "Mama!(gotta be sure he has my full attention) B...B... Baba! B... B... Banana! B... B... Baby!"

Then there's Miss Lexi doing what she does 90% of the time, playing with her babies. She's now telling us how old she is. It's so cute to watch her position her fingers just right to make 3.

Finally, the Mocabee trio makes an attempt at singing the ABC's.


Rebecca Street said...


I {heart} your blog. I really do. It makes me happy.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that Lexi... she melts my heart. Justin and Natalie do too, but Lexi is such a little sweetie!!!! The kids look so happy and are learning so much so fast. I love your updates!!!

Beth said...

What great videos. The three of them in the tunnel cracks me up! Hang in there with the bickering and your forever feeling role of referee. I know it can be so exhausting and stressful. One day you'll look around and realize that something else is driving you nuts and the role of referee has taken a bit of a backseat. I doubt it will ever go away but it will subside.
Beth :)

Anonymous said...

Today was one of those "I love being a mommy days" and "I don't mind this at all" (after a few weeks of "I can't stand any of this"). Just got Keely to bed and checking in on your blog was like the cherry on top! I know each day is different and some days each hour can be incredibly different but it's these videos that you posted that bring a smile to your face and make you remember that "yeah...I think I can do this" (just not on our own strength but through Christ who gives us strength). Thank you for sharing!