Friday, August 8, 2008


The kids love music. Even while we were in Russia, this was obvious. While we were visiting Justin in his orphanage he would often play the piano or guitar for us. Once he even played an accordian. During a visit with Natalie, she sat on my lap and let me guide her fingers on a piano. This was a BIG deal at the time, since she pretty much wanted nothing to do with us in the beginning. Since we've been home, they constantly ask to play our piano. They sit and listen to Scott play the guitar. Justin had even turned a toy mirror into his own pretend guitar so he could play along. When we are in the van they ALWAYS want music. They sing along with everything, especially Natalie. Seems like she is always singing.

So, you can only imagine how excited they were when Baba and Grandpa showed up with special gifts. Their very own guitars! It's become a bit noiser in our house (didn't think that was possible!), but they love their guitars... or as Natalie pronounces it, "Gee-tar!"

I love my new blue guitar!

Papa leads the jam session.

Justin works it out on an accordian (in Russia).

Justin playing the guitar in Russia.

One of the first times Natalie let me get close to her (In Russia, in case you couldn't tell from the big purple bow!).

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