Saturday, August 16, 2008

Off to church we go!

Here's a picture of us before heading off to church last week. Yes, finally a picture with ME in it.

We've been to Sunday morning church a few times now. We weren't sure about leaving the kids in child care so soon after coming home. However, it feels like attachment is going well, and to be honest, Scott and I needed a piece of our former selves back.

Our entire lives have changed. Some parts have changed a little bit. Some things have been altered so much I forget they even existed only a couple of months ago. Getting back to church, with the familiar faces, the familiar worship... It was important.

The kids seem to be doing just fine in child care. Justin and Natalie are together, in the same class. Lexi is in a different room with the toddlers. Lexi has cried a little when we drop her off and there have been a few whimpers from Natalie, but the teachers have told us they are okay soon after we are out of sight. From an adoption/attachment viewpoint, their reactions are actually perfect. And I LOVE picking them up after the service. The smile on Lexi's face is precious as she trots toward us with outstretched arms.

Here's some pix from a few Sundays ago, the day we made our church debut. It's next to impossible to get all three of them to stand still and smile! But that's part of what I love about these pictures. Just a little peek into our real life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your family is so beautiful, so perfect, and so complete. Thank you for continuing to share the photos and things going on in the Mocabee clan. You and Scott are doing an amazing job. This is truly where you were ment to be (even during the not-so-great-times). "For such a time as this" Esther 4:14