Thursday, August 21, 2008

Whoa Baby, Lexi Turns 3!

Yep, another birthday in the Mocabee house! :) Yesterday was Lexi's third birthday. Three years old, and still very much the baby of the house. Speaking of babies... Lexi LOVES dolls. They are really the only toys she plays with. Sometimes I'll see her with another toy, but usually it turns out that she's just using it as an accessory for her baby dolls. Her special birthday gifts were a new doll from Baba and Grandpa, and Grammy crocheted a cute little sling she can carry the baby in.


Anonymous said...

The picture of Lexi looking up at Grandpa - priceless.

Thank you for continuing to keep us updated - Love it.


Uncle Larry

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! So many birthdays all together! I loved watching Lexi with her baby. "I boo boo baby" is what it sounded like when she said "I love you". So very cute. Thank you for sharing. You are doing an amazing job. I hope that you are able to see the difference that you are making in these children's lives.