Friday, August 8, 2008

My Poor Babies

What a day.

We started at the doctor's office, where they each got a needle stick for a TB test. They were not happy campers, but after a few tears they were back to their silly selves.

Then, it was upstairs to the lab. This would be our first of what will be 3 eventual visits. The kids each need to have about 15 viles of blood drawn in order to complete all of the tests that were ordered. It will take at least 3 visits to collect enough. Ouch. I vividly remembered screaming hysterically when I was getting my own shots before entering kindergarten. There were no hysterics, but there were tears and cries aplenty.

But they made it. I was really proud of how brave they all were.

We had promised a trip for ice cream when all was said and done. As soon as we sat down to eat, Justin said he needed to use the bathroom. The ice cream parlor didn't have one, so Scott loaded him in the van and headed home. Since our house was only a block away, I stayed with the girls and we decided to walk back. Bad move. Our little wobbly Lexi tripped and fell. She skinned up both knees AND her forehead.

Poor thing. What a day she had... 2 skinned knees, a scraped forehead, and needle sticks on both arms. Here's some "Feel Sorry for Us" pictures.


Melanie Pinkus said...

oh boy what a day! You certainly have been blasted into parenthood. Yeah those moments are pretty hard. You know it is what they need but you know how scared they are too. Glad they got through it...well round one at least. Poor Lexi. Give them lots of hugs from us. Hope we can see you guys again soon!

Anonymous said...

GOOD JOB, MOM!!! For some reason there is no one that can take care of a sick, hurt or scared child like their mommy!! Give all an extra kiss on their boo boos for me.

Anonymous said...

WOW! You had quite a day!!! Ice cream does make everything better (even for mommies) so that was the PERFECT solution. I love the "feel sorry for us" pictures! See you soon!

Anonymous said...

I go away from my computer for the weekend and I miss so much. "No one stands so tall as when they stoop to help a child", especially one with skinned knees and all of them with needles in their arms. The kids look great and you two are great parents - doing all the right things. All of you are always in my prayers.


Uncle Larry