Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Krasnoyarsk!

June 12 marked the 380th birthday for Krasnoyarsk and WHOA! What a party! Parade, stage shows, dancers, music, fireworks at midnight, and PEOPLE! People everywhere! Shoulder to shoulder, lining the streets, morning to night. For a while, I stood looking out our hotel window. We are on the 7th floor and have an excellent view of the town square. I had this moment, a sudden connection, and for a split second I didn't feel half a world away. I saw a little girl dancing on her daddy's feet, another twirling in circles wearing a pink party dress. Babies being pushed in strollers. Families everywhere. And young people, teenagers. Boys strutting around in packs. Girls, in pairs, arm in arm, leaning in, giggling. The city was filled with all kinds of people, young and old, out, enjoying their city's holiday. Laughing, indulging themselves.

So, I had this moment, watching the people, the families, and I didn't feel quite so far away... I didn't feel quite so different...

... at least, not from 7 stories up.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing your journey with all of us. I love seeing all of the pictures. And Scott gets to celebrate his first Father's Day in Russia! Wow! Can't wait to meet your little ones in person. I feel as if I already know them!

christian said...

i love that the shrek cast was there, too! hope you enjoy a wonderful father's day weekend together....we're praying for you.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see a picture of Scott with a BIG bow in his hair for his first father's day!!!

Julie and Matt said...

And isn't that Shrek?? How can you feel too far away from home with Shrek>??!!

Glad there was something fun to help pass the time.