Sunday, June 29, 2008

Papa's Perspective

Hey everybody! It's me, Scott. I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to be doing a little substitute blogging for today.

Let's start with an update, shall we? It's Sunday afternoon here in Moscow and there hasn't been any official business to take care of since our visit to the Embassy on Friday. So we've tried to fill up our weekend with a trip to a park to play (thanks for the tip, JP) and another into Red Square to take in some sights. Other than those outtings, we just try to do little things here and there to help fill up our days.

Things haven't exactly been easy for us. The kids have so many needs and Chrystal and I are trying our best to meet them all, but we are being stretched to the limit. Justin has been the biggest challenge for us. He's been tough when he doesn't get his way. Sometimes he doesn't get his way because it's not what's best and other times he doesn't get his way because we don't understand what he wants. I feel awful for him, though. Here's this boy who's about to turn 5 that was just taken from his "home" where he had many friends, a routine, people caring for him that spoke his language, a cool indoor and outdoor play area,... Now he has a mama and papa that he can barely understand and who seldom understand him, 2 sisters he was just reunited with as his only playmates, no playground to go to unless we take a long walk, a new routine and set of expectations,... I guess we should be grateful. Considering all of that, he could be a lot tougher on us than he is.

The girls have been adjusting OK. I think Natalie is really enjoying all of the personal attention she wan't getting in the orphanage. Every few seconds it seems we hear "mama, pasmatree" (which means look) and then she'll do something silly. Little Lexi's personality has been starting to come out a bit these last few days. She requires 1 on 1 defense when we're out, though. You never know when she'll just wander off or into something. That means the other parent has to zone up on the other 2 kids.

So Chrystal and I are finding a little bit of joy with our kids each day, but mostly we are just trying to survive. We can't wait to hear the captain say that we've began our descent into LA. 3 days to go. We are holding on to the fact that this is what we wanted. This is what God wanted. It's His plan.

It's a lot tougher to get down to the business center these days, but just know that we can't express enough how thankful we are for the prayers, words of encouragement, and support so many of you have given us through comments or emails over the past month. They've put smiles on our faces and have helped us press on to the next day.

Don't worry, your regularly scheduled blogger will be back next time. Doesn't she do an amazing job? Like many of you, I can't wait to read them after she tells me about a new post.


Shae said...

It's the complexity of being a parent that is sometimes so rewarding. Take deep breaths and remind yourself, as you said.. This is what God wanted... he's giving you both a chance to give your undivided love to not only each other, but to these beautiful children he has placed in your hands. Though times may seem tiring, days may seem hectic.. at the end of the day, when these 3 amazing children are curled up next to you, or asleep in their beds, you can then thank HIM for the blessings he has bestowed on you both. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers and look forward to that one blog coming soon to say 'WE'RE HOME !' =)

Melanie Pinkus said...

Nice Job Scott! Your substitute blogging was fabulous! Its nice to hear your perspective. While things have been stretching and trying you guys have all the right instincts to get you through it. You guys sound like pros already. Once you are home and you can set up a routine for them...(kinda hard when you are traveling and in a hotel) hopefully those stretching and trying times will get farther and farther away. I will continue to keep you guys in my prayers and I can't wait till you get HOME! Love you!!!

christian said...

Scott & Chrystal,
We can only imagine how exhausted you must be. It is so good to hear from you every few days and to try to imagine what your life looks like now. I smile when I read your experiences because my heart can relate to those crazy days as a parent. The actual experiences differ, but the desire to connect with your children is the same. You both express such compassion, trying to place yourselves in your kids' shoes, knowing that this is a HUGE transition for them. We will continue praying for all of you. Thank you for being so honest and vulnerable. We can pray more specifically. And the Lord hasn't forgotten about you or His promise to expand your family. He's still bigger than all the tantrums and challenges. He loves you all so much more than you can imagine. Cling to Him. We love you guys so much!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Scott! Great job! You can blog for us anytime!!!!! I can't even imagine...not only a new country and the whole language barrier but 3 kids who are in a completely different atmosphere then they have ever been. You have so much strength and patience. In no time you will here the captain say "we've begun our descent into LAX. The temperature there is 88 degrees (or something like that!). WELCOME HOME!". May God continue to provide you with the strength, endurance, and patience that you are all needing during this trying and exciting time. Can't wait to meet your three little ones!

Anonymous said...

Moc, I love your use of sports up =) haha.

Julie and Matt said...

I've been out of town and it is like I missed the season finale! I loved catching up!

Yeah! Gotcha Day!

Remember even if you had children with you that speak your language and knew your rules and had lived with you for years, you would still be in an extremely challenging circumstances. I know parents who won't travel at all with their children 3 hours away, let alone in a foreign country, staying in a hotel w/limited and expensive resources. You all are probably feeling exactly as you should!

Nothing like living a freakshow to keep you close to God. There are still lots of ups and downs your way --- the adventure with the Lord is not over! You are going to continue to see Christ as your strength and it will be a really great thing.

We are praying for you -- I love your picture of 5 plus Molly. Just had to think of you as a couple and then you as a family of 5! Gotta see God in that.

sb said...

Hey Moc,
What a treat to hear your perspective on your adventures in parenthood! We are praying for all five of you daily. Keep up the awesome work - remember, God doesn't give you anything that you guys (+ Him) can't handle.

:o) SB

Anonymous said...

Another post (yeah!)! Great job Scott, so nice to hear from you too. We are just getting the girls in bed from small group tonight and we lifted all 5 of you up in prayer, we sure do miss you guys ;) Know that you are being prayed for constantly and that God's mercy and strength is new EVERY morning! The stretching never feels good, but the end result will be worth every growing pain...welcome to the wonderful world of parenting :0 One last suggestion, haven't used it on Makayla but my doctor did recommend using Benedryl (sp?) to help get through a long flight, for "most" kids it causes drowsiness...but in some it has the reverse effect, so you might want to give it a whirl prior to boarding the plane ;) Love you guys!

parkadoption said...

I remember taking Elijah from the orphanage and knowing that I was taking him from the only home he's ever known and the only family he has ever known, and feeling sad for him. But just like I did with Elijah, remind yourself every day that no matter how difficult it is for Justin and no matter how inept you might sometimes feel, you are giving this boy a hope and a future. You are going to introduce him to his Lord and Savior. No matter how difficult this road may be for this little boy, the reward waiting for him at the end is priceless and beyond measure. Something that his "home", friends, and caretakers would have never given him. Praise God for what you are giving these 3 little ones, even though they may not realize it yet.