Saturday, July 5, 2008

3 Days Home

We had a nice, quiet, low key 4th of July. We took the new wagon for a spin. Everyone squished in without a single argument (that's BIG progress!) Lexi loves loves loves being outside. She asks to go out every 20 minutes or so! She also loves to be wet. We played with the water table today and in no time she was spilling cups of water all over her head. Bathtime is definitely her favorite time of day. While the other two are fighting over toys and tub space, Lexi is as content as can be pouring water all over herself. We haven't taken her to the pool yet, but I have a feeling she'll dive right in... she's pretty fearless. This also accounts for the many bumps and bruises she is currently sporting! Check out her right cheek for evidence of the Moscow swingset incident.

As I type, Molly is on her way home. The Colfers were so generous to keep her while we were away. The kids are expecting her. We've been talking about it for two days and they say they want to see her. "Mwolly" they call her. Adding a dog to the mix? We must be crazy. :)

Might Lexi be a future Cubs fan? Daddy hopes so!


Rebecca Street said...

What beautiful pictures of your children! Is that a Russian translation sign next to the t.v.? For those of us who aren't familiar with international adoption, would you please share how you are overcoming the language barrier?

Anonymous said...

I must say the modest red ribbons are much more flattering than the ginormous bows! And Lexi looks great holding a soccer ball ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your children are beautiful and they seem to have survived the long trip home. I hope that the two of you have as well! It is so great to see that your children have transitioned so well to being home here in California. Again, welcome home and thanks for keeping us all updated on the Mocabee happenings! May God continue to provide you with the strength and endurance needed to be full time parents to 3 full time children!!!

Julie and Matt said...

How did you get all 3 to look at the camera and smile! What a family!

Melanie Pinkus said...

Sorry haven't had a chance to write in a while. We are on vacation. I have been checking the blog on my cell phone but for some reason it won't let me post comments. I have been dying to say what a beautiful family!! I'm glad you are home and settling into some kind of a routine. I'm sure it will take time but God will be there for you as he always has through this journey.

I'm glad to hear the flight back home was better. I was praying constantly! I know traveling is exhausting for any family specially with the month you have all had. I will call you when we get back next week. Will love to hear your voices!

oh...and YES we all want to hear the little things going on! I love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Keep the posts coming as long as you have the energy. We love reading them and following your journey. The kids look great in their red, white and blue. Hope every day gets better and better. You are both amazing and have a world of support ready, willing and able to help. Hope we get a chance to see the kids over Labor Day.

Much love and continued prayers,

Uncle Dave and Susan

Anonymous said...

Keep the posts coming as long as you have the energy. We love reading them and following your journey. The kids look great in their red, white and blue. Hope every day gets better and better. You are both amazing and have a world of support ready, willing and able to help. Hope we get a chance to see the kids over Labor Day.

Much love and continued prayers,

Uncle Dave and Susan

Shae said...

I'm so happy to hear you are finally HOME ! Yes, it will seem trying at times but remember, YOU ARE HOME... your children, ARE HOME... it's tiring.. even for those of us who are biological parents.. there's days where once my two are in their beds and it's 'quiet' I take that deep breath and sigh 'Thank you Lord.. for giving me the strength for this day !' I yearn for a moment when fingers aren't poking from underneath the bathroom door, for a time when the word "Mommy" doesn't seem like such a bad word... but it's such a rewarding thing to be a parent... to know that no matter WHAT you do, that child will ALWAYS love you !! Even though the roads seem rough and the days long, breath that sigh of relief and Thank GOD, he's given you both such a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL gift. I'll continue to think of you daily and pray for solidarity.. =)