Saturday, July 12, 2008

The key to me not losing my mind: OUTINGS!!!
I know there is a need to keep our kids' world small for a while, but after a few days at home, and only at home, I was having a hard time. Since the successful Chick-fil-a outing, we've had a couple of backyard pool playdates with friends, a morning at a park, and one exciting trip to Sam's Club!

Everyone is basically doing great. We're especially keeping our eye on Lexi, who is maybe a little too comfortable with strangers. She's such a ham. She definitely provides the entertainment in the family. Just a note, for now it's still important that Scott and I be the main people that are holding the kids and snuggling them and are showing affection. While they really are doing an incredible job with attachment, we must remember that they've only been with us for 3 weeks. We have a doctor's appointment set for next week with an IA specialist (int'l adoption). He'll be able to give us more of an idea of what to look for and how to handle some adoption specific issues we might be facing.

Here are a few pictures from our trip to the park. And one of Molly... poor Molly, her favorite place to lay is right in front of the couch... it's getting a little more crowded there.


Anonymous said...

Reading your blog is so exciting for us! Thanks for updating on all that has happened, we have been tracking it every day and praying for you along the way. It gives us hope that someday we too will be experiencing some of the same joys (hopefully this waiting time will go quickly!). If we get registered in Krasnoyarsk we will be needing all your advise and pointers! Please continue to update on the joys and the challenges. Ryan and Amy Yarbrough

Moc said...

poor mwolly!

Melanie Pinkus said...

Thats our favorite park!! Anytime you want to go there the girls and we would love to meet you there! Its great to see all the happy photos. Love you!