Monday, July 7, 2008

... And Molly Makes Six!

Molly's home! Thank you so much to the Colfers who took such good care of her. Justin warmed up to her right away. The girls have been a little more hesitant, but it won't be long until Molly's "just another piece of furniture" to them. (To quote my pal Mindy the Wise) They've all been throwing the ball for her. Justin and Natalie helped feed her dinner. And as for Molly, she's been perfect with the kids. Calm, quiet... so unMollylike!

We seem to be working into a routine. The days are still long and exhausting, but we're hanging in there. We've really appreciated the visits and dinners we've been receiving. Thanks to Rebecca for organizing meals!

Justin's tantrums are definitely subsiding. Language is still difficult. I can't wait for the day I can actually talk to the kids. They have so much to say and are constantly chattering away. They're picking up more and more English everyday, but it's all so primitive. We've been loaned some sign language videos which we're going to be watching and I've TiVoed a few episodes of Sesame Street (I still love that show!)

We're taking it all day by day. Well, really more like, hour by hour. And I hope to spend the next 7 hours sleeping!


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that things are settling in and the Molly is home. Love all the pics. I see lots of smiles in these pics - it is so great to see.

You are always in my prayers. Please call if you need anything.

(626) 260-8682


Uncle Larry

Anonymous said...

Yay, I'm glad the 'sebaka' is fitting in with everyone! Who wouldn't like Molly? Well, besides Shannon =)